
Letra de Killing Yourself - Alice In Chains

Letra de canci�n de Killing Yourself de Alice In Chains lyrics

Move up from the table
Stick her arm let her go
Dropped dime on me last time
By morning his blood turned bold
Runnin from the law since Monday
'Cause Suzy went down on time
Got enough to last till Sunday
So I'm burning on down that line
Killing Yourself
Killing Yourself
Killing Yourself
K-K-K-Killing Yourself
Move up from the table
Fat man going down
Some run from the big gun
Some just run from the sound
Runnin from the law since Monday
'Cause Suzy went down on time
Got enough to last till Sunday
So I'm burning on down that line
Suzy was a bad child
Always on the wrong side
Ah, she was no good
She was bad, bad, bad with the bad cats
Always punching the needle in her arm
Ah, but when she's good, she's so damn good
Killing Yourself
Killing Yourself
Killing Yourself
K-K-K-Killing Yourself
You're just killing yourself

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La letra de canci�n de Killing Yourself de Alice In Chains es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Alice In Chains Killing Yourself lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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